Computer are used in many places.

  1. In Banks.
  2. In offices.
  3. In school.
  4. In hospital.
  5. In railway and airports.

1. In Banks 

  • In banks computer are used to store information of account holder's.
  • It is used to record transition history of cash which is debit or credit by account holders.

2. In offices

  • Computer are used to keep record about employee which work in offices.
  • Computer are used to type and print letter in offices.
  • It is used to make presentation of a products during business meeting in offices.
  • It is also used to store salary information of office employee.

3.In school
    • In school computer are used to store information of students.
    • Computer are also used to teach students.  

    4.In hospital
    • Computer are used  to keep records of all of the patients.
    • Computer are also used to diagnose patients.
    • Computer is used to check the patient's pulses and heart beats.
    • It is also used in operations.
    5.In railway and Airports.
    • In railway and airports computer are used book ticket of the passengers.
    • It is used to keep records of passengers.
    • It is used to records arrival and departure timing of trains and aeroplane.
    • It is also used to see status of flight and  runnig status of train.


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